Tag Archives: Paleo diet

The Wahls Protocol Review

I recently finished The Wahls Protocol, a diet and lifestyle book for treating autoimmune conditions. The author, Dr. Terry Wahls, was able to go from a state of progressive multiple sclerosis to a state of significant remission (enabling her to resume physical activity and bicycle many miles). I definitely appreciate that she is a medical doctor (M.D.) and that she embraces alternative approaches to treating disease.


The book presents variations of a “Wahls” diet, giving readers three levels of commitment. The diet has some of the elements of a Paleo lifestyle, including reducing carbohydrates and increasing fruit/vegetable consumption, discarding dairy, discarding gluten, and increasing organic meats and wild-raised fish. But this is only touching the surface: there are definite differences at each level of the diet. And there are also lifestyle suggestions such as proper exercise, detoxification, stress management, and vitamin supplements.


I really appreciated this book for a host of reasons: I like that the author is a doctor of medicine but also a doctor embracing alternative remedies, there are three levels of diet alterations to chose from, there are supplementary lifestyle alterations, and there are scientific explanations for why these changes are good. I do feel that I might incorporate some of the basic diet changes into my own regimen: getting more greens/veggies, cutting down on dairy and gluten, and increasing organic meats/wild fish.


I definitely think this book is worth a read, whether you have an autoimmune condition or you just want to become more healthy in general.

Can Diet and Exercise Improve MS?

So I’m about to start a new book pertaining to MS and better health: The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls, MD. I hafta admit that I’m skeptical about anyone claiming to cure their own multiple sclerosis, especially through diet and exercise alone. However, I’m always open to better eating habits and exercise ideas. This woman apparently was wheelchair-bound and through her own research found a way to recover from autoimmune disease. She can now bicycle many miles….There seems to be a correlation with the Paleo diet, which touts eating more like our ancient ancestors and avoiding some of the modern day food traps (I need to actually read the book to know more about this!).


So here goes nothing…. I’ll have more to report when I’m finished….


PS: I am slowly getting better over here, too. Feeling about 80 – 85% of my “normal” self since this recent attack began last month. Stay tuned for more on this as well. : )