The Afterglow of Joan’s Chat Room

Joan's Chat Room

Joan keeps rounding up more MSers at her chat room. Last night there were several Delawareans, the usual Taggie from Ohio (who is an absolute hoot), Denver Refashionista (she always likes to come on for a while), and Lisa from Brass and Ivory! Too funny. I think at one point we were talking about hamsters and guinea pigs? Wine and cruises were also discussed. Joan then had a good MS quiz about dealing with holiday stress. For someone who deals with pronounced fatigue, this is very important to her and others could definitely relate. The takeaway was that we MSers must care for ourselves first and put our feet down against unnecessary stress and demands. What a good topic for the evening. Thank you so much again, Joan. You’re the friendliest chat hostess and I’m sure everyone else can agree.

Joan’s next chat will be in early December. I wonder what the next topic will be?


  • Hi Jen,
    That was fun. So many people showed up, including Joan’s multiple personalities. So glad that I remembered it was going on AND that I happened to be on the computer at that time. Will definitely have to visit again.
    Thanks for the laughs,

  • Jen

    Hi Lisa–

    I really enjoy going there. That Taggie lady shows up a lot and is a real riot. Plus I think it helps to talk in real time. Joan is so friendly and gracious. I usually get on there later, after I’ve had my dinner and relaxed a bit. I hope more MSers come on, because it’s fun and supportive.

    See ya next time,


  • Damitol! I hate it when I miss good stuff…

    Linda D. in Seattle

  • I too enjoyed myself. I don’t belong to a support group but in the chat I feel like I have one. Maybe we’ll all meet in person someday.

  • Jen

    Linda– you have to come on. It can be pretty humorous. And of course supportive.

    Nadja– I feel so bad about your student, so I hope maybe the chat lifted your spirits a little.

    Yes: I wonder too if we’ll all meet in the (near) future. I feel like I already know you guys just by conversing online and in comments sections. I know more about some of you guys than I do about half the people I spend my “real life” with.

  • Hello Jen and everyone: Sorry I’m delayed in responding, but what you call an Afterglow is more like a hang over for me! Just Kidding!! I really was drinking wine, but not that much.

    I really appreciate the nice comments you are all saying about me and the chat room. But it would be BORING without all of you!

    Thanks so much!

  • Jen

    Sometimes I fear I have too MUCH personality! So it’s nice to be around thoughtful, sweet people like yourself. Evens me out. You rock and roll…

    Careful of those wine hangovers!

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