Hi there!
I’ve been outta the loop recently because of graduate school demands, but my academic portion of the program is over so I can spend more time concentrating on this website and my MS journey (thank you if you still find yourself coming to this site– I appreciate the continued interest).
I am currently having an acute multiple sclerosis attack, unfortunately, and I’m trying to hash out things for my final Master of Social Work practicum. Yes, once again fitting MS into my life, but I haven’t had a new attack– to my own knowledge– in about five years, so I can’t really complain. Things have been good. : )
More soon to follow, but I also seem to have a concurrent urinary tract infection, since I have some permanent damage to my bladder functioning……I need to go get some rest and work on conquering this MonSter, fully-rested.
Talk again soon (and I hope this finds YOU well).