Out on Leave

Bill and I are heading out early tomorrow on a road trip to Savannah, Georgia and Hollywood, Florida. He has work-related stuff down in Hollywood, so we’ve decided to make this a full-blown (and much-needed) vacation. I’m really excited about Savannah: it’s supposed to be the most haunted city in America. I always thought New Orleans was (THAT was a great trip, too!) And one of my favorite books—an account of true Savannah events by Esquire journalist John Berendt — is Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which chronicles southern charm and MURDER. Very interesting and ironically funny. I definitely want to check out the cemetery where some of the “voodoo” happened.

Be back in Jersey on June 7th….


  • If you like haunted you should come to the town I live in. We always make the Haunted Hotels shows on TV around Halloween.

    The house across the street from me has been bought and sold so many times and we all know it is because it is haunted.

    Have a fun trip and stay off FB. LOL

  • Hi Jen!

    I am a Hollywood Beach resident and noted that you are headed this way. I was uncertain if you are familiar with the area, so thought I would point out in case you are not, that I have a video blog that should provide some good advice on the area, as it is also slanted toward giving information on local accomodations, attractions, dining, entertainment, and tips on what to do and what NOT to do…. If you have questions or would like us to check out something, don’t hesitate to fire off an email to us…

    postscript — if you do not know about “lovebugs”, you might want to check the “Tips” page on our site, altho we are not sure if that has passed yet or not…

  • Hope you have a great time Jen! My daughter just got a letter home from school that they are offering the 5th graders a three day trip to Savannah June 2010. It sounds wonderful, but she can only go if I can go!

  • Alas, I will wait longingly by the computer screen in anticipation of your return…sigh.

    (Have a great time in the “south”!!!!)

  • Jen

    Hey freaks! I came back and now I have massive road rage…LOL

    PS: had a great time but I’m SOOO glad to be home…

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