
I’ve always liked this Keats sonnet. It is actually a response to a JH Reynolds sonnet about the beauty of dark eyes. I just happen to enjoy it for its tranquil qualities, much as I like the soothing color blue. It’s about 80 degrees here already (a little TOO warm in my opinion), but the sky is periwinkle and the sea is dark blue….

Google Images

Blue! ‘Tis the life of heaven,—the domain
Of Cynthia,—the wide palace of the sun,—
The tent of Hesperus, and all his train,—
The bosomer of clouds, gold, gray, and dun.
Blue! ‘Tis the life of waters:—Ocean
And all its vassal streams, pools numberless,
May rage, and foam, and fret, but never can
Subside, if not to dark-blue nativeness.
Blue! gentle cousin of the forest-green,
Married to green in all the sweetest flowers—
Forget-me-not,—the blue-bell,—and, that queen
Of secrecy, the violet: what strange powers
Hast thou, as a mere shadow! But how great,
When in an Eye thou art alive with fate!


  • Good God! How beautiful a post. Please do pick up your award at my blog. Oh….I am sailing now…ahhh

  • Jen

    Embarrassingly, I wooed someone with this same sonnet many a year ago (ain’t the spouse ’cause his eyes are big and brown!)

    Thank you for the award. I’m usually dorked out by compliments, but maybe I’ll let this one slide….Where will I put this pretty award?

    Right back at ya, Diane…..!

  • Hey Jen-I’m back after a ms related hiatus! I hope you are well. Stop by my blog for an award that is waiting for you.

    (PS-I’m going to see DMB in May-yippee!)

  • Jen

    I see, Erin. Good! My computer has been overheating and so I’ll be over there shortly. The rest of the week is supposed to be in the 60’s here. Hopefully NY state will also cool down.

    Please, no more “awards”!…..I firmly believe that just getting out of bed and facing the day with MS, whether mild or profound, deserves honor.

    DMB! I’m jealous of course. Hoping to see SOMETHING this summer…

    Be by shortly….Stay KOOOOOL……

  • Beautiful Sonnet! Blue is my favorite color. Most of my favorite things are Blue, Ocean Waters, My Eyes, Clothing, the Sky…nice.

  • Jen

    Mine’s green, but blue comes in at a close second…

  • Kim

    Beautiful post, I love blue also.

  • Jen

    Thank you, Kim. I don’t think I could ever move away from the shore. It keeps me balanced.

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