Early Smoking Linked to Increased Risk for MS?

Recent research about multiple sclerosis and smoking has peaked my interest: I learned to smoke when I was in eighth grade and although I was never a regular smoker, I did do it at parties in high school and college and beyond. Also during tense conversations with friends as almost a “bonding” mechanism. This is probably considered recreational or social smoking, which I’ve been able to tame as of late, but I recently became curious about the notion that EARLY smoking habits might affect the chances of developing MS. Here’s what I learned:

A new scientific study reveals a possible link between smoking at an early age and developing multiple sclerosis. Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, in collaboration with the Veterans Affairs MS Center for Excellence, recently conducted a study with MS patients— 87 in total— to determine the likelihood of developing MS if a patient was an early smoker (under the age of 17 when beginning the habit), an older smoker (starting above age 17), or a nonsmoker.

Out of the study participants, including 435 individuals without MS, early smokers were 2.7 times more likely to develop multiple sclerosis compared to nonsmokers. Older smokers were not found to have any more of a risk than non-smokers.

*For more information about the study and related materials, see Johns Hopkins Medicine.


  • Wow, very interesting. I never heard this before. I used to smoke between about 16 and 19 and then I quit. I doubt there is a correlation but…

  • Jen

    I wonder about the AMOUNT of early smoking myself. I never smoked a whole pack (usually just gave the rest to others after a little binge or bummed them off people.)

    Interesting, huh?

  • Kim

    I never smoked but my dad smoked a lot for 18 years I lived there. I wonder if second hand counts.
    I would not blame him either way

  • Jen

    Good question.

  • Very interesting- when I lived in Scotland I was shocked by the number of children who smoked (10 year old and even younger) and most of my friends had smoked since early teens. Scotland is an MS hot spot- as well as lung cancer and heart disease hot spot. Herrad’s mother taught her to smoke- first allowing her to light them- later to inhale a little and then when she was bit more grown up have a whole one: unbelievable! Could that rank stupidity have had something to do with the hell of MS too?
    I could not write the next sentence without expletives so I have self censored.

  • Jen

    Yeah– it seems like the whole UK starts smoking in like grade school. I think Scotland has one of the HIGHEST amounts of MSers in the WORLD(Ireland’s up there too.) My mom quit smoking when I was little and my dad stopped before I was around. But a lot of people smoked in my high school and then away at college, so I got sucked in too.

    PS: I constantly have to censor myself for expletives. It’s a REAL CHALLENGE sometimes..

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