I’m pretty excited about a local work-out place that has yoga classes for people with MS. I found out about it from my monthly Nat’l MS Society magazine (local chapter.) If you belong to the society, your local chapter might have such listings in their monthly magazine. Also listed are aquatics sessions (assisted and open swims) at local YMCAs, and some exercise programs for those with less mobility. I’m not 100% sold on going to this yoga group, though, because there is a closer program 5 minutes down the road, and they have a seniors’ group…Now don’t laugh, because I joined a free senior tai chi class at the library in the winter, and it was a lot of fun. There was little pressure to be “talented”, and a lot of encouragement from everyone.
My target date is July, since I am coming out of my recent relapse (thanks again to my love/hate relationship with steroids), and I need to get “back out there.”